Healing and freedom is possible through the finished work of Jesus Christ. You can be free of whatever is hindering, oppressing, and destroying YOU or your family and marriage.

Our mission is to see individual lives and marriages thrive.

Door of Hope’s ministry is to individuals and marriages, helping them come free from bondage's such as; curses, false beliefs, oppression's and life traumas that keep them from a life of liberty and freedom to be who God created them to be. Read More

"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers."

3 John 2

Our Work

Pastoral Counseling

”It is for Freedom that CHRIST sets you free“

Galatians 5:1

Get Help

Door of Hope Ministry invites you to discover the fullness and transformation that is available in Christ.

Whether it’s for personal healing, improving your marriage, or helping others, DOH is here to help!

Hannah House is a safe place of security and rest. A place to experience shepherding, be valued and loved.

Hannah House is a three-week in-depth onsite stay with counseling and discipleship and away from the busyness of everyday life to enable ladies to connect with God.

Hannah House

For an Application and more information please click here

Our vision for the future!

Door of Hope at The Ridge